Kisumu’s African Banquet
We want to share a bit of Africa with Gloucestershire. You can expect bold spices, deep, rich flavours and smokey aromas that fill the air. This is good food done the proper African way! Kisumu is a City in Kenya that rests on the banks of Great Lake Victoria and is the home town of Charles, our menu lead. Through the town twinning association, Kisumu has maintained an international relationship with Cheltenham Spa (where we are based) since 1985, sharing ideas, culture and friendship and in tribute to this, we are called Kisumu too! We are a team of three and after being colleagues within care and support work for quite a few years, we have come together through a mutual love of great food to create this.
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday 3rd July @ 6.30pm
Wednesday 17th July @ 6.30pm
Wednesday 18th September @ 6.30pm
Wednesday 9th October @ 6.30pm
Wednesday 17th November @ 6.30pm