Help us raise £10k for Grassroots Music!

Big Gibe

The Big Give

All around us music venues are closing, meaning less opportunities for us to enjoy live music as audience members, for musicians to perform, or for people to make a living within the music business. With your help we can make sure that grassroots and live music still has a home here at the Subs!

This year, The Sub Rooms is taking part in The Big Give — a match funding event starting on Tuesday 18 March 2025 for one week. During this time, money can be donated to the venue via The Big Give, which will match donations of up to £5,000, turning it into £10,000. This fundraising opportunity is hugely important for The Sub Rooms' grassroots programme of music and events. 


DONATE BY CLICKING HERE (from 18th March to 25th March only)

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